Publications in 2015





Journal Name

Luminescent   down shifting effect of Ce-doped yttrium aluminum garnet thin films on solar   cells

Guojian   Shao, Chaogang Lou, Jian Kang and Hao Zhang


Applied   Physics Letters 107, 253904

Design   of a recycled grating for color holographic waveguide

Guo   Jingjing, Tu Yan, Yang Lanlan, Wang Lili, Wang Baoping


Optical   Engineering, 2015, 54(12): 125105-125105.

Effect   of Electrode Structure on Initial Electric Field of Atmospheric Pressure Low   Temperature Plasma Jet

Hu, Yang   Lanlan


Electronic   device

Study on   Physiological Indexes under Visual Fatigue

Chen   Yanda, Tu Yan, Wang Lili, Shen Li, He Yaguang


Electronic   Devices, 2015, (6)

A   proposal for objective evaluation system for optical and electro-optical   characteristics of see-through type near-eye display devices

Yongming   Tang, Yinghao Yang, Yaosheng Zheng, Xiaohua Li, Baoping Wang


IDW'15   Digest

Flexible   Field Emission Devices Based on Barium Oxide Nanowires

Yunkang   Cui, Jing Chen, Xiaobing Zhang, Wei Lei, Yunsong Di, and Qilong Wang


Journal   of Display Technology, (Volume:PP , Issue: 99 )

Surface   plasmon-enhanced quantum dot lightemitting diodes by invention gold


Jiangyong   Pan, Jing Chen, Dewei Zhao, Qianqian Huang, Qasim Khan, Xiang

   Liu, Zhi Tao, Zichen Zhang, and Wei Lei


OPTICS   EXPRESS, Vol. 24, No. 2

Co-doped   ZnO Thin Films Fabricated by a Nanocluster-Beam Deposition System and the   Influence of Flow Rate of Helium Gas on Their Properties

X.H. Li,   Z.W.Zhao


J   Supercond Nov Magn, 015, 3230-3

Gate   Design and Optimization of Carbon Nanotube Field Emission Devices

Zhou   Ting, Zhang Xiaobing, Xiao Mei, Wang Qilong


Proceedings   of the 18th Annual Academic Conference of the Mass Spectrometry and Leak   Detection Committee of China Vacuum Society, 305-308

Flexible   Quantum Dot Light Emitting Diode Based on ZnO Nanoparticles

Jiangyong   Pan , Jing Chen , Qianqian Huang , Qasim Khan , Xiang Liu , Zhi Tao , Wei Lei


 RSC   Adv., 5(10), pp 82192-82198, 2015

Nonlinear   dynamic phase response calibration by digital holographic microscopy

Lei   Yang, Jun Xia, Chen Liang Chang, Xiaobing Zhang, Zhiming Yang, and Jianhong   Chen


Applied   Optics, Vol.54, No. 25, 7799-7806

Study on   Molar Distribution and Spectral Change of Argon Plasma Jet

Yu Yongbo,   Yang Lanlan, Tu Yan, etc.


Journal   of Vacuum Science and Technology 35(9), 2015:1075-1081

Enhanced   Photoluminescence Property for Quantum Dot-Gold Nanoparticle Hybrid

Qianqian   Huang, Jing Chen, Jian Zhao, Jiangyong Pan, Wei Lei and Zichen Zhang


Nanoscale   Research Letters (2015) 10:400

Design   of Automatic Score Recognition System Based on GPU Universal Computing   Platform

Xie   Chenwei, Lu Tianyi, Tang Yongming


Electronic   Devices, Vol. 38, No. 4

Robotic   arm control system based on infrared and color image sensors

Zhu Rui,   Wu Yujun, Jin Hongyu, Tang Yongming


Electronic   Devices, Vol. 38, No. 4

Pulse   Modulated Atmospheric Pressure Low Temperature Argon Plasma Jet

Yu   Yongbo, Yang Lanlan, Tu Yan, etc.


Journal   of Vacuum Science and Technology, 35(7), 2015: 850-854.

Improved   Field Emission Properties of Multidimensional Graphene-Nanotube Emitters   Decorated With Au Nanoparticles

Ji Xu,   Qilong Wang, Ruoxue Jia, Zhiyang Qi, Yusheng Zhai, and Xiaobing Zhang


IEEE   ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, VOL. 36, NO. 7, pp 723-725, JULY 2015

Buffer   layer of antimony doped tin disulphide thin films for heterojunction solar   cells

A.GowriManohari,   K.Santhosh Kumar, ChaogangLou, T.Mahalingam, C. Manoharan


Materials   Letters, 155, 121

Carrier   transportation in polycrystalline CuInSe2 thin films with Cu-deficient grain   boundaries

Bo Yin   and Chaogang Lou


Rare   Metals 34, 510

Enabling   low amounts of YAG:Ce3+ to convert blue into white light with plasmonic Au   nanoparticles

Talib   Hussain,Liubiao Zhong,Mohammad Danesh,Huiqi Ye,Ziqiang Liang,Dong Xiao,Cheng-Wei Qiu,Chaogang Lou,Lifeng Chi andLin Jiang


Nanoscale   7, 10350

Ag   Nanowire and Nanoplate Composite Paste for Low Temperature Bonding

Li   Ruozhou, Zhang Wei, Hu Anming, Bridges Denzel



Stroboscopic   Effect of LED Lighting

Lili   Wang*, Yan Tu*, Lu Liu


Display   Week 2015 DIGEST

Relation   between Short-term and Long-term Assessment of Glare(2)

Yanda   Chen, Yan Tu, Jihuang Zhang, Fan Lu, Lu Liu, Lili Wang, Sheng Peng, Ingrid   Heynderickx


SID   Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, Volume 46, Issue 1, pages 762765, June 2015

Study on   the frequency characteristics of nanogap electron devices

Ji Xu,   Qilong Wang, Zhiyang Qi, Yusheng Zhai, and Xiaobing Zhang


Journal   of Applied Physics 117, 204504 (2015)

High-current   field-emission of carbon nanotubes and its application as a fast-imaging   X-ray source

Lei, W,   Zhu, Z. Y., Liu, C. Y., Zhang, X. B., Wang, B. P., Nathan, A.


Carbon,   94(1), pp 687-693, 2015/7/13

Study on   the Factors Affecting the Temperature of Carrier Gas Outlet in Thermal   Analytical Mass Spectrometry

Chen   Lei, Xiao Mei, Zhang Xiaobing


The 9th   East China Three Cities and One City Vacuum Academic Exchange Conference,   2015/5/28-2015/5/29

Combined   gate-hole three-pole structure design based on carbon nanotube field emission

Yu   Cairu, Di Yunsong, Liu Jing, Wang Qilong, Zhu Zhuoya, Zhang Xiaobing


The 9th   East China Three Cities and One City Vacuum Academic Exchange Conference,   2015/5/28-2015/5/29

A   Modified Transmission Line Model for Extraordinary Optical Transmission   Through Sub-wavelength Slits

Qilong   Wang, Yusheng Zhai, Shengqi Wu, Zhiyang Qi, Lihui Wang, Xiaohua Li


Plasmonics,   2015, 10(6): 1545-1549

Stable   electron field emission from carbon nanotubes emitter transferred on graphene   films

Ning   Zhao, JingChen, KeQu, QasimKhan, WeiLei, XiaobingZhang


PhysicaE,   72, (2015), 8488

Study on   sinusoidal high pressure driven argon plasma jet length and temperature   characteristics

Yu   Yongbo, Yang Lanlan, Tu Yan, etc.


Electronic   Devices, 38(4), 2015: 730-733.

LED-based   LED dual-axis rotary display design

Jiang   Yan, Xu Gong, Zheng Lingchen, Tang Yongming


Electronic   Devices, Vol. 38, No. 2

Field   emitters based on the combined structures with multi-dimensional   graphene-nanotube materials

Ji Xu,   Qilong Wang, Zhiyang Qi, Yusheng Zhai, Xia


Vacuum   Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2015 IEEE International, 2015/4/27-2015/4/29

Simulation   and design of cold-cathode X-ray tube based on CNTs

Yuan Li,   Zhuoya Zhu, Haiya Li, Wei Lei, Xiaobing


Vacuum   Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2015 IEEE International, 2015/4/27-2015/4/29

Very   stale large current density printed carbon nanotube field-emission cathode   applied in electron gun

Cairu   Yu, Jing Liu, Qilong Wang, Zhuoya Zhu, Yuns


Vacuum   Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2015 IEEE International, 2015/4/27-2015/4/29

X-ray   dynamical imaging using a CNTs field emission cathode

Wei Lei,   Zhuoya Zhu, XiaobingZhang, Chunyi Liu, Yuan Li


Vacuum   Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2015 IEEE International, 2015/4/27-2015/4/29

Research   on a carbon nanotube cathode electron gun

Yunsong   Di,Cairu Yu, Xiaobing Zhang, Wei Lei, Qi


Vacuum   Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2015 IEEE International, 2015/4/27-2015/4/29

Enhanced   electron emission of CNTs-based X-ray source with adhesion layer

Zhuoya   Zhu, Yuan Li, Haiya Li, Wei Lei, Xiaobing


Vacuum   Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2015 IEEE International, 2015/4/27-2015/4/29

Optimization   of Fringing Field Effect Using Dielectric Separation and Local Electric Field   Enhancement

Yang Lei   Xia Jun


Journal   of Display Technology, VOL. 11, NO. 3, MARCH 2015

Robust   Ag nanoplate ink for flexible electronics packaging

Li   Ruozhou, Hu Anming, Bridges Denzel, Zhang Wei, Oakes Ken D.,


NANOSCALE,   16(7): 7368-7377

Synthesis   and characterization of cross-linkable fluorinated polyimide for optical   waveguide

Wang   Longde, Zhang Wei, Li Ruozhou, Zhang Xiaoyang, Song Yuanjun



Enhancing   the efficiency of solar cells by down shifting YAG:Ce3+ phosphors

Guojian   Shao, ChaogangLou, DongXiao


Journal   of Luminescence 157 (2015) 344348

Surface   of CuInSe2 Thin Films with Doped Cd Atoms

Bo Yin,   Chaogang Lou


Advances   in Condensed Matter Physics, Volume 2015, Article ID 206501, 7 pages

Mechanisms   of Streamer Propagation Affected by Driven Voltage Polarity in a Cold   Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet

Yang   Lanlan


PLASMA   SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY vol: 17 No. 1 Pages: 25-31

High   quantum-yield luminescent MoS2 quantum dots with variable light emission   created via direct ultrasonic exfoliation of MoS2 nanosheets

Wu   Jingyuan Zhang Xiaoyang Ma Xiaodan Qiu Yunping Zhang Wei


RSC   ADVANCES, 115(5): 95178-95182

Design   of Time Series Color Display System Based on Single LCOS and Study on   Influencing Factors of Color Gamut Characteristics

Song   Zili Tang Yongming Wu Zhong


Electronic   Devices, Vol. 37, No. 6

Analysis   of thermal stresses in HfO2/SiO2 high reflective optical coatings for high   power laser applications

Gao   Chunxue, Zhao Zhiwei, Zhu Zhuoya, Li Shuang, Qi Changwen



A   No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Metric Based On ROI.

Jia   Lixiu, Zhong Xuefei, Tu Yan, Niu Wenjuan


Proc. of   SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, SPIE Vol. 9396, 93960Z, 2015

Modeling   of thermal stresses in elastic multilayer coating systems

Gao   chunxue, Zhao Zhiwei, Li xuehua


Journal   of Applied Physics,5117

Optical   properties of ultraviolet quantum dot light-emitting devices using ZnO-cores   with a MgO-shell

Wen-Jian   Kuang, Qing Li*, Jiang-Yong Pan, Xiang Liu, Dong-Ping Li, Jing Chen, and Harm   Tolner


Journal   of Display Technology, VOL. 11, NO. 5

Low   voltage and high resolution phase modulator based on blue phase liquid   crystals with external compact optical system

Jing   Yan, Yufei Xing, Zhengbo Guo and Qing Li*


OPTICS   EXPRESS , 15256~15264, Vol. 23, No. 12

Investigation   of fringing electric field effect on high-resolution blue phase liquid   crystal spatial light modulator

J. Yan,   Z. Guo, Y. Xing, Q.Li*


Applied   Optics,54(24): 7169-7174

Dual-period   tunable phase grating using polymer stabilized blue phase liquid crystal

J. Yan,   Y. Xing, Q. Li*


Optics   Letters,40(19): 4520-4523

Change   of subjective and ophthalmological fatigue during long-term VDT work

Wang   Ying, Zhong Xuefei, Zhang Chun, Tu Yan


SSLCHINA   2015146 - 149

Glare   Perception in Office Lighting with LEDs for Different Working Modes

Yanda   Chen, Yan Tu, Fan Lu, Lu Liu, Lili Wang


2015   12th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting, SSLCHINA 2015150 - 153

Spectroscopic   Study of Mg1-xZnxO Exciton Based on GW+BSE First Principle PDP Protective   Layer Material

Wang   Jia, Tu Yan, Yang Lanlan, Li Qiaofen, Dai Kai, Wang Baoping


Journal   of Vacuum Science and Technology, Volume 35

Field   emission from vertical Graphene flakes grown on copper particles by CVD   method

Zhao   Ning, Chen Jing, Qu Ke, Lei Wei, Zhang Xiaobing


Vacuum   Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2015 IEEE International, IEEE

Field   emission from polypyrrole- graphene composites synthesized by electrochemical   deposition method

Zhao   Ning, Chen Jing, Zhao Zhiwei, Lei Wei, Zhang Xiaobing


Vacuum   Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC), 2015 28th International, IEEE

Graphene   nanomesh photodetector with effective charge tunnelling from quantum dots

Liu, X.,   Liu, NZ, Liu, MJ, Tao, Z., Kuang, WJ, Ji, XB, Chen, J., Lei, W., Dai, Q., Li,   C., Li, XH, Nathan, A.


Nanoscale,   2015, 7, pp: 42424249

High-Performance   Ge Quantum Dot Decorated Graphene/Zinc-Oxide Heterostructure Infrared   Photodetector

Liu   Xiang Lei Wei


ACS   Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, pp: 2452 2458

Speckle-suppressed   phase-only holographic three-dimensional display based on double-constraint   GerchbergSaxton algorithm

Chang   Yiliang Xia Jun


Applied   Optics, Vol. 54(23), 6994-7001, 2015

Holographic   display based on liquid crystal spatial light modulator

Xia Jun


Acta   Physica Sinica, Vol. 64(12), 2015