


HIQC:Heterogeneous Intelligent and Quantum Computing Lab

E-mail: helix@seu.edu.cn





李鹤,教授,博导,东南大学电子学院电路与系统系主任兼院务助理,异构智能与量子计算实验室负责人,入选国家高层次青年人才计划、中国科协青年人才托举工程。英国帝国理工学院博士,英国剑桥大学量子信息处理方向博士后研究员(师从英国皇家工程院院士,剑桥大学原副校长)和剑桥三一学院教学讲师。主持国家、江苏省自然科学基金、国家电网科学技术项目课题、江苏省基础科学中心项目子课题等。中国电子学会全国高校电子信息学科建设委员会专项工作组秘书,中国计算机学会容错计算专委教育工作组副组长、量子计算专委执委。在FPGA开发和系统优化、量子计算电路、量子通信系统等领域发表包括IEEE TC、TCAD、MICRO、DAC、OFC论文50余篇,获得IEEE FPT’17 最佳论文展示奖,CCF 杰出演讲者 (2023)。担任FPGA、集成电路EDA、量子计算领域国际旗舰会议TPC委员,如DAC、ICCAD、 FCCM、FPL、FPT、Quantum Week 等,IEEE FPT 宣传主席,IEEE ITC-Asia 财务主席,CCF芯片大会出版主席,IEEE/ACM FCCM、ASAP、GLSVLSI、ASPDAC、SOCC等分会议主席;电子与信息学报、《Electronics》期刊专题副主编。指导东南大学本科生获2023年司南杯量子计算编程挑战赛全国一等奖、全国嵌入式芯片与系统设计竞赛-FPGA创新设计竞赛全国一等奖2项和最佳创意奖(全国仅3项)。组织东南大学FPGA国际暑期学校。


2023-至今,  东南大学 电子科学与工程学院  教授

2022-2023,  东南大学 电子科学与工程学院  副研究员

2021-2022,剑桥大学 三一学院 教学讲师

2019-2022,剑桥大学  博士后研究员(导师:Prof. Richard Penty,英国皇家工程院院士)

2016-2019,帝国理工学院 教学助理 (合作教授:Prof. Peter Cheung,Prof. Christos Bouganis,Dr. John Wickerson)


2016.10-2020.07,帝国理工学院,电气与电子工程,博士(导师:Prof. George Constantinides,帝国理工工学部副部长)





1. 系主任兼院务助理:东南大学电子科学与工程学院

2. 秘书:中国电子学会全国高校电子信息学科建设委员会专项工作组

3. 秘书兼教育工作组副组长:中国计算机学会CCF容错计算专委 

4. 执委:中国计算机学会CCF量子计算专委、容错计算专委 


1. 财务主席:2024 IEEE国际测试大会亚洲分会(ITC-Asia) 

2. PhD Forum主席:2023 IEEE亚洲硬件安全与信任研讨会(AsiaHOST) 

3. 宣传主席:2020-2022 IEEE现场可编辑技术(FPT) 


5. 最佳论文评审委员会:2021 IEEE FCCM 



2. 可编程芯片FPGA领域:FCCM, FPL, FPT 

3. 量子计算:Quantum Week 


1. 赞助主席:2024 中国计算机学会芯片大会(CCF Chip) 

2. 论坛主席:2023 第二届CCF量子计算大会暨中国量子计算产业峰会 

3. 论坛主席:2023 第二十届CCF容错计算学术会议 

4. 宣传主席:2022 第六届硬件安全论坛 

5. 委员:2023 中国密码学会密码芯片学术会议 





2023,中国计算机学会 CCF 杰出演讲者(Distinguished Speaker Program,71/1874)






2021IBQuantum Excellence Certificate



2020IEEE电路与系统学会The “Most Liked” in Best Picture and Caption Contest

2019,帝国理工学院最佳研究生教学助理 (排名第二)

2017,最佳论文展示奖IEEE international conference on Field Programmable Technology

2017,博士生研习奖IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic


2015,IEEE International System-on-chip Conference Outreach Award




  1. Z. Que, M. Zhang, H. Fan, He Li, C. Guo, and Wayne Luk, Low Latency Variational Autoencoder on FPGAs, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 2024

  2. Z. Que, H. Fan, M. Loo, He Li, M. Blott, M. Pierini, A. Tapper, Wayne Luk, LL-GNN: Low Latency Graph Neural Networks on FPGAs for High Energy Physics, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2023

  3. He Li, H. Fan, J. Liang, Design Space Exploration for Efficient Most-significant Digit-first Arithmetic for Quantum Computing, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2023

  4. He Li, Y. Tang, Z. Que, J. Zhang, FPGA Accelerated Post Quantum Cryptography, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2022.

  5. M. Zhang, He Li, Qiang Liu, Deep Exploration on Fault Model of Electromagnetic Pulse Attack, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2022

  6. Y. Pang, H. Wang, He Li*. Medical Imaging Biomarker Discovery and Integration Towards AI-based Personalized Radiotherapy, Frontiers in Oncology, 2021

  7. He Li, Y. Pang*. FPGA Accelerated Quantum Computing Emulation, IEEE MICRO, 2021 

  8. He Li, R. Shi, A. Abdelhadi, J. Zhang*, Q. Liu*, Adversarial Hardware with Functional and Topological Camouflage, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II – Express Briefs, 2021 (Invited paper)

  9. He Li*, I. Maclnerney, J. Davis, G. Constantinides. Digit Stability Inference for Iterative Methods using Online Arithmetic.IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2020

  10. He Li*, J. Davis, J. Wickerson, G. Constantinides.ARCHITECT: Arbitrary-precision Hardware with Digit Elision for Efficient Iterative Compute.IEEE Transactions on Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2019

  11. He Li, Q. Liu*, F. Chen.Signal Word-Level Statistical Properties-based Activation Approach for Hardware Trojan Detection in DSP Circuits. IET Computers & Digital Techniques 12.6 (2018) 258-267

  12. He Li, Q. Liu, J. Zhang*.A Survey of Hardware Trojan Threat and Defense. Integration, the VLSI journal, 55 (2016) 426-437. 

  13. Z. Que*, H. Nakahara, H. Fan, He Li, J. Meng, K. H. Tsoi, X. Niu, E. Nurvitadhi, Wayne Luk, Remarn: A Reconfigurable Multi-threaded Multi-core Accelerator for Recurrent Neural Networks, ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), 2021 (Invited paper)

  14. W. Mao, K. Li, Q. Cheng, L. Dai, B. Li, X. Xie, He Li, H. Yu*, A Reconfigurable Floating-Point Multiple-Precision Processing Element for HPC and AI Converged Computing, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2021. 

  15. H. Ma, J. He*, Y. Liu, J. Kuai, He Li, Leibo Liu, and Yiqiang Zhao. On-Chip Trust Evaluation Utilizing TDC-Based Parameter-Adjustable Security Primitive. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 2020.

  16. X. Liu, Y. Lin, He Li, J. Zhang*, A Novel Method for Malware Detection on ML-based Visualization Technique, Computer & Security, 2019. 

  17. Y. Guo, F. Ling*, He Li, ..., Jianquan Yao.Super-resolution reconstruction for terahertz imaging based on sub-pixel gradient field transform, Applied Optics, 2019. 


  1. C. Song, ..., He Li*, MSDF-SGD: Most-significant Digit-first Stochastic Gradient Descent for Arbitrary-precision Training, IEEE FPL, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2023.

  2. Yilun Zhao, Yu Chen, He Li, Ying Wang, Kaiyan Chang, Bingmeng Wang, Bing Li, Yinhe Han. Full State Quantum Circuit Simulation Beyond Memory Limit. IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2023.

  3. S. Bian, He Li, C. Wang, C. Song, Y. Tang, MSBF-LSTM: Most-significant Bit-first LSTM Accelerators with Energy Efficiency Optimisations, IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM), 2023 (Poster)

  4. A. Weerasinghe, M. Alhussein, He Li, A. Wonfor, Richard Penty, Slice Optimization for High-speed Gaussian Coherent State Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution, CLEO, 2023.

  5. A. Weerasinghe, M. Alhussein, He Li, A. Wonfor, Richard Penty, Practical high-speed Gaussian coherent state continuous variable quantum key distribution with real-time parameter monitoring and post-processed key distillation, Optical Networking and Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), 2023. 

  6. A. Weerasinghe, M. Alhussein, He Li, A. Wonfor, Richard Penty, Experimental demonstration of Gaussian coherent state continuous variable quantum key distribution with real-time parameter monitoring and key distillation, International society for optics and photonics conference (SPIE), 2022.

  7. Amanda Weerasinghe, Muataz Alhussein, He Li, Adrain Wonfor, Richard Penty, Experimental demonstration of practical high-speed Gaussian coherent state continuous variable quantum key distribution with real-time parameter monitoring and key distillation, International conference on quantum cryptography (QCrypt), 2022.

  8. S. Bian, He Li, F. Yu, J. Liu, C. Song, Y. Tang, FAPN: Face Alignment Propagation Network for Face Video Super-Resolution, Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2022

  9. He Li, Adrain Wonfor, Richard Penty, Quantum Key Distribution Post Processing: A Heterogeneous Computing Perspective, IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), 2022. (Invited paper)

  10. Y. Gong, A. Jin, He Li, A. Wonfor, R. Penty, Security analysis of continuous-variable quantum key distribution using m-PSK classical modulation schemes, Quantum Information and Measurement, Optical Society of America 2021.

  11. He Li, H. Fan,J. Jiang. Quantum Most-Significant Digit-First Addition, IEEE International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), 2021 (Invited paper)

  12. F. Yu, He Li*, S. Bian, Y. Tang. An Efficient Network Design for Face Video Super-resolution, ICCV Workshop, 2021.

  13. Abdelhadi, He Li*, Enabling Mixed-Timing NoCs for FPGAs: Reconfigurable Synthesizable Synchronization FIFOs, IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2021. 

  14. He Li, R. Shi, A. Abdelhadi, J. Zhang, Q. Liu, Adversarial Hardware with Functional and Topological Camouflage, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2021. 

  15. He Li, Y. Pang, J. Zhang. MSD-first Arithmetic Based Security Enhancement for Approximate Computing, ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, 2021 (Invited paper)

  16. R. Shi, Y. Ding, X. Wei, He Li*, Hang Liu, Hayden So*, C. Ding,FTDL: A Tailored FPGA-Overlay for Deep Learning with High Scalability, ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2020. 

  17. He Li, J. Davis, G. Constantinides. Digit Elision for ARCHITECT - Arbitrary-precision Constant-hardware Iterative Compute, the Royal Society Meeting on Numerical Algorithms for High-performance Computational Science, 2019. (Poster)

  18. He Li, J. Davis, G. Constantinides. Digit Elision for Arbitrary-accuracy Iterative Computation, in IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH), 2018.

  19. He Li, J. Davis, J. Wickerson, G. Constantinides. ARCHITECT: Arbitrary-precision Constant-hardware Iterative Compute, in IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT), 2017. (Best Paper Presentation Award)

  20. He Li, Q. Liu, J. Zhang. A Survey of Hardware Trojan Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention in International Conference on CAD/Graphics, 2015.

  21. He Li and Q. Liu, Hardware Trojan detection acceleration based on word-level statistical properties management, IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT), 2014.

  22. H. Fan, M. Ferianc, Z. Que, He Li, S. Liu, X. Niu, Wayne Luk, Algorithm and Hardware Co-design for Reconfigurable CNN Accelerator, ACM/IEEE ASP-DAC, 2021

  23. C. Guo, X. Yan, Y. Chen, He Li, X. Yin, C Zhuo. Joint Sparsity with Mixed Granularity for Efficient GPU Implementation, IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2021

  24. W. Mao, K. Li, X. Xin, S. Zhao, He Li, H. Yu, A Reconfigurable Multiple-Precision Floating-point MAC for High-Performance Computing, IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2021

  25. Y. Cao, C. Wang, C. Song, Y. Tang, He Li*, Real-time Super Resolution System of 4K-video Based on Deep Learning, IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), 2021. (Invited paper)

  26. X. Liu, J. Zhang, Y. Lin, He Li, ATMPA: attacking machine learning-based malware visualization detection methods via adversarial examples, IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS) 2019.


  1. 一种智能电网安全保护方法, 国家发明专利,已授权:ZL 2016 1 0483358 3

  2. 医用膀胱压力实时监测系统,国家实用新型专利,已授权:ZL 2011 0558047.1


2023, Invited talk  ND & MIT Quantum Computer Systems Lecture Series - Rethinking Most-significant Digit-first Arithmetic for Quantum Computing in NISQ Era.

2021, Invited talk Imperial College London – Tsinghua University Joint Workshop on AI Circuits and Systems.

2021, Invited talk atUniversity of Cambridge – Reconfigurable Computing and Quantum Emulation.  

2021, Invited talk at Huazhong University of Science and Technology – From Microarchitecture to Quantum Information Processing: A Reconfigurable Hardware Perspective (online seminar).

2020, Invited talk at Edinburgh Huawei Research Lab (online seminar).

2020, Invited talk at International Cybersecurity and Applied Crypto Conference (virtual conference).

2019, Invited talk at Computer Architecture group in University of Cambridge, Cambridge.

2019, Invited talk at International Forum for Interdisciplinary Sciences and Engineering, Hong Kong & Shenzhen.

2017, Invited talk at School of Electrical & Information Engineering, University of Sydney.






Visiting Students(访问学生): 

Jiawei Liang,博士全奖入学香港科技大学(HKUST)电子与计算机工程学院