![]() | 苏志成,东南大学副研究员。 地址:江苏省南京市玄武区四牌楼2号,东南大学电子科学与工程学院,显示技术中心。 E-mail: suzhicheng@seu.edu.cn Zhicheng Su Associate Professor School of Electronic Science & Engineering, Southeast University 2 Sipailou Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210096 P.R.China |
简介 Overview 研究Research 团队Team 论文Publicaitons 新闻News
苏志成,东南大学至善青年学者,副研究员。本科毕业于北京师范大学物理学系, 博士毕业于香港大学(2021 QS世界大学排名第22名),师从半导体光谱学专家徐士杰教授。博士毕业后在欧洲比利时鲁汶大学(2021 THE世界大学排名第45名)开展博士后研究,受教于著名量子固体物理学专家、比利时鲁汶大学副校长Peter Lievens教授。2019年开始就职于澳大利亚国立大学(2021 QS世界大学排名第31名),受教于著名半导体物理学家、澳大利亚科学院院长Chennupati Jagadish院士。
研究兴趣包括半导体光电子学,光谱与超快光谱,非线性光学,纳米光子学以及器件物理。对先进半导体及其微纳结构中的前沿光电现象的物理机制研究,尤其是在载流子局域化和热动力学过程对荧光及光电流的影响机理认识上,获得了良好的国际学术认可。作为项目核心成员共参与了国内外8个重点科学研究项目,取得了创新性成果。项目来源包括澳大利亚研究理事会 (ARC)、比利时Flanders研究基金会 (FWO)、国家自然科学基金委、教育部、香港研究资助局和深圳市科创委。自2016年以来,共发表40余篇SCI论文。另有专著章节1章,国际会议报告7次。
学院主页Webpage:https://electronic.seu.edu.cn/szc/list.htm (English Version Avaliable)
教育经历 Education
2009.09-2013.07 北京师范大学 (Beijing Normal University) 本科B.Sc;
2013.09-2017.08 香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong) 博士Ph.D.;
工作经历 Work Experience
2017.09-2018.06 香港大学 (The University of Hong Kong) 博士后 Research fellow;
2018.07-2019.08 比利时鲁汶大学 (KU Leuven) 博士后 Research fellow;
2019.09-2022.01 澳大利亚国立大学 (Australian National University) 博士后 Postdoctoral fellow;
2022.02- 至今 东南大学(Southeast University) 副研究员 Associate Professor
Our Mission
On luminescence mechanism and carrier dynamics
in novel semiconductors and functional structures
for new physics and next-generation devices.
研究领域 Research Areas
非线性光电子学 Nonlinear Optoelectronics
光谱与超快测量 Spectroscopy and Ultrafast Measurements
量子光学与传感 Quantum Optics and Sensing
发光材料与显示 Luminescent Materials and Displays
研究项目 Grants
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,在研,主持;
2. 东南大学高层次人才科研启动项目,在研, 主持;
3. 东南大学至善青年学者科研项目,在研,主持;
4. 东南大学电子学院“双一流”学科影响力提升项目,在研, 主持;
Position Openings
We are looking for talented and self-motivated undergraduates, Master/Ph.D. students and postdocs to join us.
If you are interested, feel free to send me your CV and inquiries at suzhicheng@seu.edu.cn.
International students are welcome!
1.Su, Z. C., Matias Bejide, Piero Ferrari, Kevin Anthony Kaw, Michèle Moris, K. Clays, Stefan Knoppe, Thierry Verbiest, Peter Lievens, Ewald Janssens. The wavelength-dependent non-linear absorption and refraction of Au25 and Au38 monolayer-protected clusters. Nanoscale 2022.
2.Su, Z. C.*; Naiyin Wang; Hark Hoe Tan; Chennupati Jagadish. 2D carrier localization in novel layered wurtzite-zincblende InP nanomembranes. ACS Photonics 2021, 8, 1735.
3.Su, Z. C.; Ren, Z. Y.; Bao, Y. T.; Lao, X. Z.; Zhang, J. F.; Zhang, J. C.; Zhu, D. L.; Lu, Y. M.; Hao, Y.; Xu, S. J. Luminescence landscapes of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond: quasi-localized vibrational resonances and selective coupling. J. Mater. Chem. C 2019, 7, 8086.
4.Su, Z. C.; Xu, S. J. Effective lifetimes of minority carriers in time-resolved photocurrent and photoluminescence of a doped semiconductor: Modelling of a GaInP solar cell. Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. Cells 2019, 193, 292.
5.Su, Z. C.; Xu, S. J.; Wang, X. H.; Ning, J. Q.; Wang, R. X.; Lu, S. L.; Dong, J. R.; Yang, H. Effective photon recycling and super long lived minority carriers in GaInP/GaAs heterostructure solar cell: A time-resolved study. IEEE J. Photovolt. 2018, 8, 820.
6.Su, Z. C.#; Ye, H. G.#; Xiong, Z.; Tang, F.; Lou, Q.; Tang, J. Y.; Dai, J. Y.; Shan, C. X.; Xu, S. J. Understanding and manipulating luminescence in Carbon nanodots. Carbon 2018, 126, 58.
7.Su, Z. C.; Wang, Z. L.; Yu, J. D.; Yi, Y.; Wang, M. Z.; Wang, L.; Luo, Y.; Wang, J. N.; Xu, S. J. Managing green emission in coupled InGaN QW-QDs nanostructures via nanoengineering. J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121, 22523.
8.Su, Z. C.; Xu, S. J.; Wang, R. X.; Ning, J. Q.; Dong, J. R.; Lu, S. L.; Yang, H. Electroluminescence probe of internal processes of carriers in GaInP single junction solar cell. Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. Cells 2017, 168, 201.
9.Su, Z. C.; Zheng, C. C.; Cheng, G.; Che, C. M.; Xu, S. J. Triplet harvesting in luminescent Cu(I) complexes by thermally activated luminescence mechanism transition: Impact of molecular structure. J. Mater. Chem. C 2017, 5, 4488.
10.Su, Z. C.; Xu, S. J. A generalized model for time-resolved luminescence of localized carriers and applications: Dispersive thermodynamics of localized carriers. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7, 13.
11.Su, Z. C.; Ning, J. Q.; Deng, Z.; Wang, X. H.; Xu, S. J.; Wang, R. X.; Lu, S. L.; Dong, J. R.; Yang, H. Transition of radiative recombination channels from delocalized states to localized states in a GaInP alloy with partial atomic ordering: a direct optical signature of Mott transition? Nanoscale 2016, 8, 7113.
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