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Our Mission

Our group aims to develop and integrate ultrathin, imperceptible optoelectronics, including thin-film transistors, sensors, actuators, and energy devices, to form conformal interfaces with soft biological tissues without interference. Together with advanced circuits and algorithms, we exploit these diverse systems as tools to understand fundamental science, solve technical challenges, and explore applications in human health monitoring to create a better society.

聚焦于 “人民生命健康” 和“集成电路产业规划”的重大需求,WEST课题组致力于开发和集成超薄、不易察觉、与软生物组织形成无感紧密贴合的电子芯片和传感器件。结合先进的电路设计和人工智能算法,我们利用这些多样化的系统作为工具,深入理解基础科学、攻克技术难题,并探索其在健康监测和物联网中的应用,以创造一个更美好的社会。







Recent Highlights

2025/01 We are honored to invite Prof. Cunjiang Yu from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA, to deliver a lecture at our School.

2025/01 We are honored to invite Prof. Nanjia Zhou from Westlake U. to deliver a lecture at our School.

2024/12 We are honored to invite Prof. John A. Rogers (Northwestern U., USA), a pioneer in the flexible electronics field, to deliver a lecture at SEU and visit our group.

2024/12 We are honored to invite Prof. Zijian Zheng from PolyU to deliver a lecture at our School.

2024/12 Big congrats to Xuyang for winning the second oral presentation prize at the forum hosted by Nanjing Medical University.

2024/10 Warmly welcome Prof. Yang Li from Shandong U. to lecture for our school.

2024/10 Congrats to Qing's paper being accepted by Wearable Electronics!


2024/09 Binghao gives a speech for fresh graduate students of School.

2024/08 Big congrats to Qing for being granted the NSFC's Youth Scientists Fund (300, 000)!

2024/06 Binghao is paying a 3-month visit to Northwestern University (Prof. John Rogers's group) and taking a photo with Qing (postdoc) beside Michigan Lake. She will conduct research here for 3 years.

2024/06 Zihan won the Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis of Southeast University.(优秀毕业论文)

2024/06 Zihan's research article entitled "Ultraflexible Ring-Shaped Organic Photodetectors for Motion Artifact-Less Photoplethysmography" has been accepted for publication in Adv. Opt. Mater. Big Congrats to him! https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/adom.202400665

2024/05 The Undergraduate National SRTP program led by Ziyun Le, was evaluated with excellent (Top 15%). One patent was filed and one top-tier research paper was submitted. https://jwc.seu.edu.cn/2024/0522/c21681a491325/page.psp.(国家级SRTP结题优秀)

2024/05 Binghao attended the IUMRS-ICEM2024 meeting in Hongkong and witnessed the launch ceremony of the Wearable Electronics.

2024/03 Spring outing.

2024/03 Binghao and the Editorial Board of Wearable Electronics attended the IEEE NSENS in Shenzhen.

2024/01 Year-end Party!

2023/12 Kun's research article entitled "Low-temperature vapor reduction of graphene oxide electrodes for vertical organic field-effect transistors" has been accepted for publication in J. Mater. Chem. C. Big Congrats to him! Please see: https://doi.org/10.1039/D3TC04217K

2023/12 Enbo's review article "Soft Fiber/Textile Actuators: From Design Strategies to Diverse Applications" has been accepted for publication in ACS Nano. Big Congrats to him! Please see: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.3c09307

2023/11 Dr. Qing Ma got funds to support her further postdoctoral study at Northwestern University, USA, Big congrats!

2023/11 Prof. Huanyu Cheng from Penn State University visited our group and gave an invited talk at the Display R&D Center of Southeast University.

2023/11 Prof. Wei Huang from UESTC visited our group and gave an invited talk at the Display R&D Center of Southeast University.

2023/11 Qing, Shisheng, and Kun gave oral talks at the Master Student Forum (Functional Nanomaterials) of Jiangsu Province and Xuyang won the best poster award.

2023/11 Binghao gave an invited talk at the Master Student Forum (Flexible Electronics) of Jiangsu Province.

2023/11 Binghao hosted a seminar talk on "Smart Wearables" at Southeast University.

2023/10 Binghao gave an invited talk at ISBONE2023 in Nanjing.

2023/10 Binghao (Session Chair) and Qing attended ICFPE 2023 conference and visited UESTC at Chengdu.

2023/10 Binghao gave an invited talk at ICAFPM2023 conference in Shanghai.

2023/10 Binghao was invited to visit Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology.

2023/09 Binghao attended the SmartMat conference in Tianjin.

2023/08 Congrats to Binghao for receiving grants from NSFC and Nanjing Municipal Human Resources & Social Security Bureau.

2023/08 Big congrats to Xuyang for winning the best poster award at the 2023 Westlake Future Scholars Forum on Engineering.

2023/06 Binghao hosted an iCANX Youth talk: Advanced Biomedical Fabrication Technologies and Applications.

2023/05 Binghao attended the iCANX 2023 Xi'an Summit and visited the Xi'an Jiaotong University.

2023/05 Our manuscript entitled 'Elastic integrated electronics based on a stretchable n-type elastomer–semiconductor–elastomer stack' has been accepted for publication in Nature Electronics. Please see: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41928-023-00966-4.

2023/05 Congrats to the undergraduate SRTP team for receiving the National SRTP fund!

2023/04 Binghao hosted an iCANX Youth talk: Advanced Technology of Flexible Electronics.

2023/04 Binghao attended the 10th anniversary of Prof. Chi' group at Soochow University and the symposium of MOSSI.

2023/04 Binghao received a signed book from the author-Prof. Zhonglin Wang.

2023/04 Jiaxuan's invited review article entitled"Hydrogel fibers for wearable sensors and soft actuators" has been accepted for publication in iScience. Big Congrats to her! Please see: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.106796

2023/03 Binghao attended the ICDT2023 conference hosted by Southeast Univeristy.

2023/03 Binghao attended the 20th anniversary of Prof. Takao Someya's group and gave a talk at UTokyo.

2023/01 Our manuscript entitled 'The more and less of AI-assisted strain sensor' has been accepted for publication in MatterPlease see: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1ggX49Cyxd30LC.

2023/01 Binghao was invited as a guest editor for IEEE OJ-NANO.

2023/01 Our Invited manuscript entitled 'Wearable plasmonic biofluid sensors as your photonic skin' has been accepted for publication in Soft SciencePlease see: https://softscijournal.com/article/view/5399.

2023/01 Happy Year of the Rabbit!

2022/06 Qing was awarded 'Jiangsu Excellent Postdoctoral Fellow' with a personal bonus of  300,000 RBM, Big congrats to her!

2022/06 Our collaborative work entitled 'An elastic, reconfigurable synaptic transistor with stretchable bilayer semiconductors'  has been accepted for publication in Nature Electronics. Congrats! Please see: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41928-022-00836-5#Abs1

2022/05 Our lab received the Natural Science Foundation (Jiangsu) grant (200, 000 RMB), which is funded for toxic gas detection and source tracking.

2022/04 Our collaborative work entitled 'On-Skin Paintable Biogel for Long-Term High-Fidelity Electroencephalogram Recording' has been accepted for publication in Science Advances. Congrats! Please see: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abo1396

2022/04 Congrats to Kesheng and Wanguo for their master's offers from Lund Univ., and Univ. of Michigan, respectively!

2022/02 Our manuscript entitled 'A strain-insensitive quantitative pressure sensor on your dynamic tissue' has been accepted for publication in Matter. Congrats! Please see: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1egZ29Cyxc-CJP.

2022/01 Our invited manuscript entitled 'Combustion Synthesis and Polymer Doping of Metal Oxides for High-Performance Electronic Circuitry' has been accepted for publication in Accounts of Chemical Research. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.accounts.1c00671

2022/01 Binghao was appointed as the Adjunct Professor of Nanjing Medical University.

2021/11 Congratulations to Prof. Lifeng Chi, the Ph.D. supervisor of Binghao, who has been elected to be the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. https://www.cas.cn/tz/202111/t20211117_4814522.shtml

2021/11 Our new lab has been built and it is ready for scientific work.

2021/06 Our manuscript entitled "Foundry-Compatible High-Resolution Patterning of Robust Semi-conducting Films for Ultraflexible Organic Electronics" collaborated with Prof. Takao Someya, Prof. Tobin J. Marks, and Prof. Antonio Facchetti has been accepted for publication in Nature Communications. Congrats! Please see: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-25059-8




Binghao WANG王炳昊


E-mail: binghaowang@seu.edu.cn

School of Electronic Science & Engineering, Southeast University

2 Southeast University Road, Jiangning, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 211189 P. R. China

Tel:  +86 15862917623

地址: 江苏省南京市江宁区,东南大学九龙湖校区,电子科学与工程学院,电子大楼608室


王炳昊,东南大学青年首席教授,曾在美国西北大学和东京大学学习和工作近七年。2006年起于苏州大学连续攻读学士,硕士和博士学位,博士导师迟力峰院士。目前主要从事柔性晶体管集成电路和多功能传感系统研究,以第一和通讯作者在Nat. Electron.、Nat. Comm.、Sci. Adv.和PNAS等期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,撰写Wiley出版的英文专著2章节,论文被引次数5000余次,H因子35。担任学术期刊《Wearable Electronics》编委、《CHATmed》青年编委和《Electronics》主题编委。主持科技部重点研发和国家自然科学基金委等项目。获得高层次青年人才,英国皇家化学会Journal of Materials Chemistry C期刊“新锐科学家”,“江苏特聘教授”和东南大学 “紫金青年学者”等荣誉。

Haoyang WANG (汪浩洋)

Associate Professor

E-mail: wanghaoyang@seu.edu.cn

Address: School of Electronic Science & Engineering, Southeast University

2 Southeast University Road, Jiangning, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 211189 P. R. China


汪浩洋,东南大学上岗副研究员。2018年至2023年于东京大学攻读硕士与博士学位,导师为东京大学副校长,柔性电子先驱Takao Someya教授;2018年本科毕业于上海交通大学电子科学与技术专业,专业排名第一,入选致远工科荣誉计划。主要研究方向为柔性电子与人机交互系统,主要包括用于可穿戴和机器人的柔性信号传感与检测技术、光电器件、电路系统等,以及相应的人工智能数据处理技术。已发表SCI论文十余篇,具体期刊包括Science Advances, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Advanced Functional Materials和Matter等。


MA Qing(马青),


Oxide transitors

Postdoctoral Fellow, Southeast University (2022-present), co-advised with Prof. Litao SUN

Ph.D. in Materials Physics and Chemistry

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(中科院大学), Beijing

E-mail: 101300190@seu.edu.cn

Yunyu Sun (孙云雨)

Soft Actuators

Part-time Postdoctoral Fellow, Southeast University (2023-present)

Lecturer at Suzhou University, Anhui

Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering

Soochow University(苏大), Suzhou

E-mail: sunyunyu2008@163.com

Mian Muhammad Kamal (米亚)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Southeast University (2023-Present)

Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering 

Zhengzhou University(郑大), Zhengzhou

Email: mmkamal2023@outlook.com

Ph.D. Candidate

FENG Xuyang (冯旭阳),最佳墙报奖两次 

Ultraflexible sensors

Ph.D. student, Southeast University (2023-present)

M.E. in Materials and Chemical Engineering

Beihang University(北航), Beijing

E-mail: fengxuyang@seu.edu.cn

CHEN Shisheng (陈士晟)

Tactile sensors

Ph.D. student, Southeast University (2023-present), co-advised with Prof. Benhui Hu (Nanjing Medical University)

M.E. in Biomedical Engineering

Nanjing Medical University(南医大), Nanjing

Email: 230239321@seu.edu.cn

QIAO Kun (乔坤),博士新生奖学金

Transistors; Ph.D. student, Southeast University (2024-present)

Ph.D. qualification, Osaka University(大阪大学), Japan (2021-2023)

M.E. in Materials Science and Engineering

Southeast University, Nanjing

Email: qiaokun@seu.edu.cn

XUE Enbo (薛恩博)

Soft actuator and sensor

Ph.D. student, Southeast University (2024-present)

M.E. in Light Industry Technology and Engineering

Wuhan University(武大), Wuhan

Email: 230248237@seu.edu.cn

LU Shang (陆尚),江苏省优秀本科毕业生

Fiber sensors

Ph.D. student, Southeast University (2024-present)

B.E. in Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering

Soochow University(苏大), Suzhou

E-mail: 230248947@seu.edu.cn

CUI Yujie(崔玉婕)

Ph.D. student, Southeast University (2025-present)

B.E. in Electronic Science and Technology

Southeast University(东大), Nanjing

Email: 213212537@seu.edu.cn

ZHAO Dechun(赵德淳)

Ultraflexible sensors

Ph.D. student, Southeast University (2025-present)

B.E. in Communication Engineering

Harbin University of Science and Technology(哈理工), Harbin

E-mail: dechun_zhao@163.com


DONG Linyu (董霖宇)

Tactile Sensor

Master studentSoutheast University (2022-present)

B.E., Electronic Science and Technology

Southeast University(东大), Nanjing

 E-mail: 220221643@seu.edu.cn

GAO Lvtao(高律涛)


Master studentSoutheast University (2022-present)

B.E., Civil Engineering

Nanjing Tech University(南工大), Nanjing

 E-mail: 220226239@163.com

ZHUANG Yuzhi(庄育直)

Low-latency system

Master student, Southeast University (2022-present)

B.E., Electronic Science and Technology

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南邮), Nanjing

E-mail: 220226222@seu.edu.cn

ZHANG Yingxing(张颖兴)

Master student, Southeast University(2023-present)

B.E., Electronic Information Engineering

South China Agricultural University(华南农大), Guangzhou

E-mail: 220231896@seu.edu.cn

SU Jiaqi(苏迦琦)

Master student, Southeast University(2023-present)

B.E., Nano Material and Technology

Soochow University(苏大), Suzhou

E-mail: 220236459@seu.edu.cn

ZOU Tao (邹涛)

Master student, Southeast University2023-present

B.E., Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering

Nanyang Institute of Technology(南阳), Henan

E-mail: 220231776@seu.edu.cn

WANG Xianyu (王贤宇)

Master student, Southeast University (2024-present)

B.E., Electronic Science and Technology

Nanjing University of Science and Technology(南理工), Nanjing

E-mail: 2938798492@qq.com

DU Siwen(杜思文)

Master student, Southeast University (2024-present)

Electronic Science & Technology

Nanjing Tech University(南工), Nanjing

E-mail: 220241914@seu.edu.cn

SUN Zhixiang(孙志祥)

Master student, Southeast University  (2024-present)

B.E., Electronic Information Engineering

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南邮), Nanjing

E-mail: 220241961@seu.edu.cn

Ren Yunkuan(任耘宽)

Master student, Southeast University2024-present

B.E., Electronic Science and Technology

Southeast University(东大), Nanjing

E-mail: 220246853@seu.edu.cn

TAN Weijian (谭炜健)

Master student, Southeast University (2025-present)

B.E., Electronic & Information Engineering

Beijing University of Technology (北工大), Beijing

Dual Degree, University College Dublin (都柏林大学), Ireland 

E-mail: weijian.tan@ucdconnect.ie

Yao Shenhao(姚沈豪)

Master student, Southeast University(2025-present)

B.E., Electronic Science and Technology

Southeast University(东大), Nanjing

E-mail: 213211534@seu.edu.cn








2022年:高层次青年人才; 江苏特聘教授

2023年:《IEEE OJ-NANO》客座编辑;《CHATmed》青年编委;《Electronics》编委

2024年:《Journal of Materials Chemistry C》Emerging Investigators 2024;《IEEE NSENS 2024》TPC;《Wearable Electronics》编委


2021年:iCANX Talks线上圆桌论坛;

                第21届信息显示会议(IMID 2021),韩国,邀请报告;




2022年:ICANS 29,南京,口头报告;

               IEEE NMDC 2022,南京,分会主持;









        第十一届先进纤维与聚合物材料国际会议(ICAFPM2023) ,上海,邀请报告








2024年:第三届IEEE人工智能,生命健康和机器人用微纳传感器国际会议(NSENS 2024),深圳,邀请报告+TPC

                国际材料研究学会联合会第十八届电子材料国际会议(IUMRS-ICEM 2024),香港,邀请报告

                第21届半导体与应用物理国际研讨会(ISPSA 2024),韩国,邀请报告

        美国西北大学Tobin J. Marks院士组,美国,邀请报告



       第 18 届生物医学工程国际会议(ICBME2024),新加坡,邀请报告


  • Hyunseok Shim,ǂ Kyoseung Sim,ǂ Binghao Wang,ǂ Yongcao Zhang,ǂ Shubham Patel, Seonmin Jang, Tobin J. Marks, Antonio Facchetti, Cunjiang Yu* Elastic integrated electronics based on a stretchable n-type elastomer–semiconductor–elastomer stack Nature Electronics 2023, 6, 349-359.

  • Binghao Wang, Wei Huang, Sunghoon Lee, Lizhen Huang, Zhi Wang, Yao Chen, Zhihua Chen, Liang-Wen Feng, Gang Wang, Tomoyuki Yokota, Takao Someya,* Tobin Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Foundry-compatible high-resolution patterning of vertically phase-separated semiconducting films for ultraflexible organic electronics Nature Communications 202112, 4937.

  • Binghao Wang,ǂ Anish Thukral,ǂ Zhaoqian Xie, Limei Liu, Xinan Zhang, Wei Huang, Xinge Yu,* Cunjiang Yu,* Tobin J. Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Flexible and Stretchable Metal-Oxide Nanofiber Networks for Multimodal and Monolithically Integrated Wearable Electronics. Nature Communications 2020, 11, 2405(ǂFirst co-author)

  • Binghao Wang, Peijun Guo, Li Zeng, Xia Yu, Aritra Sil, Wei Huang, Matthew J. Leonardi, Xinan Zhang, Gang Wang, Shaofeng Lu, Zhihua Chen, Michael J. Bedzyk, Richard D. Schaller, Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Expeditious, Scalable Solution Growth of Metal Oxide Films by Combustion Blade Coating for Flexible Electronics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 2019, 116: 9230-9238.

  • Xinan Zhang,ǂBinghao Wang,ǂ Lizhen Huang,ǂ Wei Huang, Weigang Zhu, Zhi Wang, Yao Chen, YanLi Mao, Antonio Facchetti,* Tobin J. Marks* Breath Figure-Derived Porous Semiconducting Films for Organic Electronics Science Advances 2020, 6 (13), eaaz1042.

  • Binghao Wang, Antonio Facchetti.* Mechanically Flexible Conductors for Stretchable and Wearable E-Skin and E-Textile Devices. Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1901408. (Hall of Fame Article)

  • Binghao Wang, Wei Huang, Lifeng Chi, Mohammed Al-Hashimi, Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* High-k Gate Dielectrics for Emerging Flexible and Stretchable Electronics. Chemical Reviews 2018, 118, 5690–5754. (ACS Editors’ Choice)

  • Binghao Wang, Li Zeng, Wei Huang, Ferdinand S Melkonyan, William C Sheets, Lifeng Chi, Michael J Bedzyk,Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Carbohydrate-Assisted Combustion Synthesis to Realize High-Performance Oxide Transistors. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138, 7067–7074.

  • Binghao Wang, Wei Huang, Tobin J Marks, Antonio Facchetti Low-Temperature Thin-Film Combustion Synthesis of Metal-Oxide Semiconductors: Science and TechnologyAmorphous Oxide Semiconductors: IGZO and Related Materials for Display and Memory 2022, John Wiley & Sons, Germany, Print ISBN: 9781119715573.

  • Binghao Wang, Antonio Facchetti.* Materials and Processes for Stretchable and Wearable E-Textile Devices. Flexible and Wearable Electronics for Smart Clothing. Chapter 2. 2020, Wiley-VCH, Germany, Print ISBN: 9783527345342.




  • 84. Your name here.

  • 84. Zhi-Chao Xu, Yu-Qin Yang, Xiao-Wen Pang, Baiyu Jiang, Peng-Fei Mao, Li-Xiu Gong, Binghao Wang, Li Peng, Long-Cheng Tang, Shi-Neng Li* Rapid Gelation of Mechanical Robust, Conductive, and Self-Healing Lignocellulosic Nanofibrils Hydrogel toward Flexible Sensor Over a Broad Temperature Spectrum. Chemical Engineering Journal 2024, 

  • 83. Leqi Li, Xinyuan Ye, Zichong Ji, Meiqiong Zheng, Shihong Lin, Mingzhe Wang, Jiawei Yang, Pengcheng Zhou, Zongman Zhang, Binghao Wang, Haoyang Wang, Yan Wang* Paintable, Fast Gelation, Highly Adhesive Hydrogels for High‐fidelity Electrophysiological Monitoring Wirelessly. Small 2024, 2407996.

  • 82. Qing Ma, Haoyang Wang,* Yunyu Sun, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Binghao WangNanofibrous Metal Oxide Semiconductor for Sensory Face Masks. Wearable Electronics 2024, 1, 189-194.

  • 81. Ye Jin Na, Joon Park, Sang-Chan Park, Won Gyun Park, Kiwan Kim, Binghao Wang, and Jae-Hyuk Ahn* Laser-Induced Graphene as Versatile Sensing Electrodes for Extended-Gate Field-Effect Transistors. IEEE Sensors Journal 2024, 24, 25275-25283.

  • 80. Limei Liu, Zihan Lu, Zhenyu Yan, Haoyang Wang, Zhicheng Su, Tomoyuki Yokota, Takao Someya, and Binghao Wang* Ultraflexible Ring-Shaped Organic Photodetectors for Motion Artifact-Less Photoplethysmography. Advanced Optical Materials 2024, 202400665.

  • 79. Enbo Xue,ǂ Limei Liu,ǂ Wei Wu,* Binghao WangSoft Fiber/Textile Actuators: From Design Strategies to Diverse Applications. ACS Nano, 2024, 18, 89-118.

  • 78. Kun Qiao, Qing Ma, Junjia Wang, Binghao WangLow-temperature vapor reduction of graphene oxide electrodes for vertical organic field-effect transistors. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 66.


  • 77. Haoyang Wang, Wenqing Wang, Jae Joon Kim, Chunya Wang, Yan Wang, Binghao Wang, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota, Takao Someya* An optical-based multipoint 3-axis pressure sensor with a flexible thin-film form. Science Advances 2023, 9, eadi2445.

  • 76. Cong Liu, Xinyu Xu,* Zhenjiao Chen, Binghao WangA Universal-Verification-Methodology-Based Testbench for the Coverage-Driven Functional Verification of an Instruction Cache Controller. Electronics 2023, 12, 3821.

  • 75.  Hyunseok Shim,ǂ Kyoseung Sim,ǂ Binghao Wang,ǂ Yongcao Zhang,ǂ Shubham Patel, Seonmin Jang, Tobin J. Marks, Antonio Facchetti, Cunjiang Yu* Elastic integrated electronics based on a stretchable n-type elastomer–semiconductor–elastomer stack Nature Electronics 2023, 6, 349-359.

  • 74. Jiaxuan Du, Qing Ma, Binghao Wang,* Litao Sun,* Limei Liu* Hydrogel fibers for wearable sensors and soft actuators. iScience 2023, 26, 106796. (Invited)

  • 73. Limei Liu, Haoyang Wang, Binghao Wang* The more and less of AI-assisted strain sensor Matter 2023, 6, 668-671.

  • 72. Limei Liu, Jae-Hyuk Ahn, Binghao Wang* Wearable plasmonic biofluid sensors as your photonic skin. Soft Science 2023: 3, 6. (Invited)


  • 71. Yao Tang, Qing Ma, Jie Lu, Xingyu Jiang, Lizhen Huang, Lifeng Chi,* Litao Sun,*and Binghao Wang* Nanofiber-Textured Organic Semiconductor Films for Field-Effect Ammonia Sensors. IEEE Open Journal of Nanotechnology 2022, 3, 116-123. (Invited Special Issue)

  • 70. Hyunseok Shim, Faheem Ershad, Shubham Patel, Yongcao Zhang, Binghao Wang,  Zhihua Chen, Tobin J Marks, Antonio Facchetti, Cunjiang Yu* An elastic and reconfigurable synaptic transistor based on a stretchable bilayer semiconductorNature Electronics 2022, 5, 660-671.

  • 69. Wenqing Wang, Md Osman Goni Nayeem, Haoyang Wang, Chunya Wang, Jae Joon Kim, Binghao Wang, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota, Takao Someya* Gas-permeable highly-sensitive nanomesh humidity sensor for continuous measurement of skin humidity. Advanced Materials Technologies 2022, 7, 2200479.

  • 68. Binghao Wang, Wei Huang, Tobin J Marks, Antonio Facchetti Low-Temperature Thin-Film Combustion Synthesis of Metal-Oxide Semiconductors: Science and Technology. Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors: IGZO and Related Materials for Display and Memory 2022, John Wiley & Sons, Germany, ISBN: 9781119715573.

  • 67. Chunya Wang, Haoyang Wang, Binghao Wang, Hiroo Miyata, Yan Wang, Md Osman Goni Nayeem, Jae Joon Kim, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota, Hiroshi Onodera, Takao Someya* On-Skin Paintable Biogel for Long-Term High-Fidelity Electroencephalogram Recording Science Advances 2022, 8, eabo1396.

  • 66. Katie Stallings, Riccardo Turrisi, Yao Chen, Li Zeng, Binghao Wang, Jeremy Smith, Michael J. Bedzyk, Luca Beverina, Antonio Facchetti*, Tobin J. Marks* Systematic Analysis of Self-Assembled Nanodielectric Architecture and Organization Effects on Organic Transistor Switching  ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2022, 4, 4, 2015-2025.

  • 65. Qing Ma, Litao Sun, Binghao Wang* A strain-insensitive quantitative pressure sensor on your dynamic tissue Matter 2022, 5, 782-784.

  • 64. Binghao Wang, Wei Huang, Michael J. Bedzyk, Vinayak P. Dravid, Yan-Yan Hu, Tobin J. Marks*, and Antonio Facchetti* Combustion Synthesis and Polymer Doping of Metal Oxides for High-Performance Electronic Circuitry Accounts of Chemical Research 2022, 55, 3, 429-441.


  • 63. Yan Wang,  Sunghoon Lee, Haoyang Wang, Zhi Jiang, Yasutoshi Jimbo, Chunya Wang, Binghao Wang, Jae Joon Kim, Mari Koizumi, Tomoyuki Yokota, and  Takao Someya* Robust, Self-adhesive, Reinforced Polymeric Nanofilms Enabling Gas-Permeable Dry Electrodes for Long-Term Application. PNAS 2021, 118, e2111904118.

  • 62. Yucheng Lin, Shengshun Duan, Di Zhu, Yinghui Li, Binghao Wang, Jun Wu* Self-Powered and Interface-Independent Tactile Sensors Based on Bilayer Single-Electrode Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Robotic Electronic Skin. Advanced Intelligent Systems 2021, 2100120.

  • 61. Binghao Wang* Kirigami electronic eye for shape-adaptive imaging. Matter 2021, 4, 2653-2655.

  • 60. Binghao Wang, Wei Huang, Sunghoon Lee, Lizhen Huang, Zhi Wang, Yao Chen, Zhihua Chen, Liang-Wen Feng, Gang Wang, Tomoyuki Yokota, Takao Someya,* Tobin Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Foundry-compatible high-resolution patterning of vertically phase-separated semiconducting films for ultraflexible organic electronics. Nature Communications 2021, 12, 4937.

  • 59. Zhi Wang,* Xinming Zhuang, Binghao WangWei Huang,* Tobin J. Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Doping Indium Oxide Films with Amino-Polymers of Varying Nitrogen Content Markedly Affects Charge Transport and Mechanical Flexibility Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 31, 2100451.

  • 58. Shengshun Duan, Binghao Wang, Yucheng Lin, Yinghui Li, Di Zhu, Jun Wu,* Jun Xia, Wei Lei, Baoping Wang Waterproof Mechanically Robust Multifunctional Conformal Sensors for Underwater Interactive Human-Machine Interfaces. Advanced Intelligent Systems 2021, 3, 2100056.

  • 57. Huang, Lizhen, Zhi Wang, Jianhua Chen, Binghao Wang, Yao Chen, Wei Huang, Lifeng Chi,* Tobin J. Marks,*  Antonio Facchetti* Porous Semiconducting Polymers Enable High‐Performance Electrochemical Transistors. Advanced Materials 2021, 33, 2007041. 

  • 56. Binghao Wang, Alberto D Scaccabarozzi, Haoyang Wang, Mari Koizumi, Mohamad Insan Nugraha, Yuanbao Lin, Yuliar Firdaus, Yan Wang, Sunghoon Lee, Tomoyuki Yokota*, Thomas D Anthopoulos*, Takao Someya* Molecular doping of near-infrared organic photodetectors for photoplethysmogram sensors. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2021, 9, 3129-3135.Special Issue: Celebrating Tobin Marks’ 75th Birthday

  • 55. Eckstein, B. J., Melkonyan, F. S., Wang, G., Wang, B., Manley, E. F., Fabiano, S., Harbuzaru, A., Ponce, R., Chen, L. X., Facchetti, A.*, Marks, T. J.*  Processable High Electron Mobility π‐Copolymers via Mesoscale Backbone Conformational Ordering. Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 31. 2009359. 

  • 54. Huang, Wei, Xinge Yu,* Li Zeng, Binghao Wang, Atsuro Takai, Gabriele Di Carlo, Michael J. Bedzyk, Tobin J. Marks*, Antonio Facchetti* Ultraviolet Light-Densified Oxide-Organic Self-Assembled Dielectrics: Processing Thin-Film Transistors at Room Temperature. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13, 3445-3453.

  • 53. Stallings, Katie, Jeremy Smith, Yao Chen, Li Zeng, Binghao Wang, Gabriele Di Carlo, Michael J. Bedzyk, Antonio Facchetti*, Tobin J. Marks* Self-Assembled Nanodielectrics for Solution-Processed Top-Gate Amorphous IGZO Thin-Film Transistors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13, 15399–15408.


  • 52. Binghao Wang, Antonio Facchetti.* Materials and Processes for Stretchable and Wearable E-Textile Devices. Flexible and Wearable Electronics for Smart Clothing. Chapter 2, Wiley-VCH, Germany 2020, 305-334.

  • 51. Binghao Wang, Anish Thukral, Zhaoqian Xie, Limei Liu, Xinan Zhang, Wei Huang, Xinge Yu,* Cunjiang Yu,* Tobin J. Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Flexible and Stretchable Metal-Oxide Nanofiber Networks for Multimodal and Monolithically Integrated Wearable Electronics. Nature Communications 2020, 11, 2405.

  • 50. Xinan Zhang,ǂ Binghao Wang,ǂ Lizhen Huang,ǂ Wei Huang, Weigang Zhu, Zhi Wang, Yao Chen, YanLi Mao, Antonio Facchetti,* Tobin J. Marks* Breath Figure-Derived Porous Semiconducting Films for Organic Electronics Science Advances 2020, 6 (13), eaaz1042.

  • 49. Chuang-Yi Liao, Yao Chen, Chun-Chieh Lee, Gang Wang, Nai-Wei Teng, Chia-Hao Lee, Wei-Long Li, Yu-Kuang Chen, Chia-Hua Li, Hsiuan-Lin Ho, Phoebe Huei-Shuan Tan, Binghao Wang, Yu-Chin Huang, Ryan M. Young, Michael R. Wasielewski, Tobin J. Marks,* Yi-Ming Chang,* and Antonio Facchetti* Processing Strategies for an Organic Photovoltaic Module with over 10% Efficiency. Joule 2020, 4, 189-206.

  • 48. Limei Liu, Junle Qu,* Aijuan Gu,* Binghao Wang* Percolative polymer composites for dielectric capacitors: a brief history, materials, and multilayer interface design. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8, 18515-18537.

  • 47. Minglu Huang, Jiazhen Chen, Binghao Wang, Wei Huang, Haibo Chen, Yanshan Gao, Tobin J Marks Polar Isotactic and Syndiotactic Polypropylenes by OrganozirconiumCatalyzed MaskingReagentFree Propylene and Amino–Olefin Copolymerization  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59, 20522-20528.

  • 46. Wei Huang, Po-Hsiu Chien, Kyle McMillen, Sawankumar Patel, Joshua Tedesco, Li Zeng, Subhrangsu Mukherjee, Binghao Wang, Yao Chen, Gang Wang, Yang Wang, Yanshan Gao, Michael J Bedzyk, Dean M DeLongchamp, Yan-Yan Hu, Julia E Medvedeva, Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Experimental and theoretical evidence for hydrogen doping in polymer solution-processed indium gallium oxide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117(31), 18231-18239.

  • 45. Gang Wang, Liang-Wen Feng, Wei Huang, Subhrangsu Mukherjee, Yao Chen, Dengke Shen, Binghao Wang, Joseph Strzalka, Ding Zheng, Ferdinand S Melkonyan, Jinhui Yan, J Fraser Stoddart, Simone Fabiano, Dean M DeLongchamp, Meifang Zhu,* Antonio Facchetti,* Tobin J Marks* Mixed-flow design for microfluidic printing of two-component polymer semiconductor systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, 117(30), 17551-17557.

  • 44. Baojie Lu, Binghao Wang, Yao Chen, Antonio Facchetti, Tobin J. Marks, and Oluwaseyi Balogun. Cross-Plane Thermal Conductance of Phosphonate-Based Self-Assembled Monolayers and Self-Assembled Nanodielectrics. ACS applied materials & interfaces 2020, 12, 34901-34909.

  • 43. Xinming Zhuang, Sawankumar Patel, Chi Zhang, Binghao Wang, Yao Chen, Haoyu Liu, Vinayak P Dravid, Junsheng Yu, Yan-Yan Hu, Wei Huang,* Antonio Facchetti,* Tobin J Marks* Frequency-Agile Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Alumina Dielectrics for Inorganic and Organic Electronics Enhanced by Fluoride Doping. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 12440-12452.

  • 42. Zhao, Dan, Jianhua Chen, Binghao Wang, Gang Wang, Zhihua Chen, Junsheng Yu, Xugang Guo, Wei Huang,* Tobin J. Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Engineering intrinsic flexibility in polycrystalline molecular semiconductor films by grain boundary plasticization. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142, 5487-5492. (Cover)

  • 41. Aritra Sil, Laleh Avazpour, Elise A Goldfine, Qing Ma, Wei Huang, Binghao Wang, Michael J Bedzyk,* Julia E Medvedeva,* Antonio Facchetti,* Tobin J Marks* Structure-Charge Transport Relationships in Fluoride-Doped Amorphous Semiconducting Indium Oxide: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Analysis. Chemistry of Materials 2020, 32: 805-820

Before 2020

  • 40. Binghao Wang, Matthew J. Leonardi, Wei Huang, Yao Chen, Li Zeng, Brian J. Eckstein, Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Marked Cofuel Tuning of Combustion Synthesis Pathways for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Films. Advanced Electronic Materials 2019, 5: 1900540.

  • 39. Binghao Wang, Peijun Guo, Li Zeng, Xia Yu, Aritra Sil, Wei Huang, Matthew J. Leonardi, Xinan Zhang, Gang Wang, Shaofeng Lu, Zhihua Chen, Michael J. Bedzyk, Richard D. Schaller, Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Expeditious, Scalable Solution Growth of Metal Oxide Films by Combustion Blade Coating for Flexible Electronics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 2019, 116: 9230-9238.

  • 38. Binghao Wang, Antonio Facchetti.* Mechanically Flexible Conductors for Stretchable and Wearable E-Skin and E-Textile Devices. Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1901408. (Hall of Fame)

  • 37. Wei Huang, Gang Wang, Chong Luo, Yaobin Xu, Ying Xu, Brian J Eckstein, Yao Chen, Binghao Wang, Jiaxing Huang, Yijin Kang, Jinsong Wu, Vinayak P Dravid, Antonio Facchetti* Tobin J Marks* Controllable growth of LiMn2O4 by carbohydrate-assisted combustion synthesis for high performance Li-ion batteries. Nano Energy 2019, 64, 103936. (Cover)

  • 36. Zhi Wang, Xinming Zhuang, Yao Chen, Binghao Wang, Junsheng Yu, Wei Huang, Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Cinnamate-Functionalized Natural Carbohydrates as Photopatternable Gate Dielectrics for Organic Transistors Chemistry of Materials 2019, 31, 7608-7617. (Cover)

  • 35. Ding Zheng, Ruixiang Peng, Gang Wang, Jenna Leigh Logsdon, Binghao Wang, Xiaobing Hu, Yao Chen, Vinayak P Dravid, Michael R Wasielewski, Junsheng Yu, Wei Huang, Ziyi Ge, Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Simultaneous BottomUp Interfacial and Bulk Defect Passivation in Highly Efficient Planar Perovskite Solar Cells using Nonconjugated SmallMolecule Electrolytes. Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1903239. (Cover)

  • 34. Jiazhen Chen, Alessandro Motta, Binghao Wang, Yanshan Gao, Tobin J. Marks* Significant Polar Comonomer Enchainment in Zirconium-Catalyzed, Masking Reagent-Free, Ethylene Copolymerization. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2019, 131: 7104-7108.

  • 33. Stephanie L Moffitt, Katie L Stallings, Allison F Falduto, Woongkyu Lee, D Bruce Buchholz, Binghao Wang, Qing Ma, Robert PH Chang, Tobin J Marks,* Michael J Bedzyk* Processing, Structure, and Transistor Performance: Combustion versus Pulsed Laser Growth of Amorphous Oxides ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2019, 1: 548–557.

  • 32. Ding Zheng, Gang Wang, Wei Huang, Binghao Wang, Weijun Ke, Jenna Leigh Logsdon, Hanyu Wang, Zhi Wang, Weigang Zhu, Junsheng Yu, Michael R Wasielewski, Mercouri G Kanatzidis, Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Combustion Synthesized Zinc Oxide Electron-Transport Layers for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29: 1900265. (Cover)

  • 31. Huibin Zhu, Weihong Hu, Yadong Xu, Binghao Wang, Ding Zheng, Yizheng Fu, Congyun Zhang, Guizhe Zhao, Zhi Wang* Gradient Structure Based Dual-Robust Superhydrophobic Surfaces with High-Adhesive Force Applied Surface Science 2019, 463: 427-434.

  • 30. Yao Chen, Wei Huang, Vinod K Sangwan, Binghao Wang, Li Zeng, Gang Wang, Yan Huang, Zhiyun Lu, Michael J Bedzyk, Mark C Hersam,* Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Polymer Doping Enables a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas for High-Performance Homojunction Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Advanced Materials 2019, 31: 1805082.

  • 29. Xinan Zhang,ǂ Binghao Wang,ǂ Wei Huang, Gang Wang, Weigang Zhu, Zhi Wang, Weifeng Zhang, Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Oxide-Polymer Heterojunction Diodes with a Nanoscopic Phase-Separated Insulating Layer. Nano Letters 2019, 19: 471–476.

  • 28. Binghao Wang, Wei Huang, Lifeng Chi, Mohammed Al-Hashimi, Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* High-k Gate Dielectrics for Emerging Flexible and Stretchable Electronics. Chemical Reviews 2018, 118, 5690–5754. (ACS Editors’ Choice, Highly Cited Paper, Free Access)

  • 27. Xinan Zhang,ǂ Binghao Wang,ǂ Wei Huang, Yao Chen, Gang Wang, Li Zeng, Weigang Zhu, Michael J Bedzyk, Weifeng Zhang,* Julia E Medvedeva,* Antonio Facchetti,* Tobin J Marks,*. Synergistic Boron Doping of Semiconductor and Dielectric Layers for High-Performance Metal Oxide Transistors. Interplay of Experiment and Theory. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140: 12501–12510.

  • 26. Wei Huang, Peijun Guo, Li Zeng, Ran Li, Binghao Wang, Gang Wang, Xinan Zhang, Robert PH Chang, Junsheng Yu, Michael J Bedzyk,* Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Metal Composition and Polyethylenimine Doping Capacity Effects on Semiconducting Metal Oxide–Polymer Blend Charge Transport Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140: 5457–5473.

  • 25. Peijun Guo, Benjamin T Diroll, Wei Huang, Li Zeng, Binghao Wang, Michael J Bedzyk, Antonio Facchetti, Tobin J Marks, Robert PH Chang, Richard D Schaller Low-Loss Near-Infrared Hyperbolic Metamaterials with Epitaxial ITO-In2O3 Multilayers ACS Photonics 2018, 5: 2000–2007.

  • 24. Xinan Zhang, Binghao Wang, Xianwen Sun, Haiwu Zheng, Shuang Li, Penglin Zhang, Weifeng Zhang Highly Transparent and Conductive W-Doped ZnO/Cu/W-Doped ZnO Multilayer Source/Drain Electrodes for Metal-Oxide Thin-Film Transistors IEEE Electron Device Letters 2018, 39: 967–970.

  • 23. Yao Chen, Binghao Wang, Wei Huang, Xinan Zhang, Gang Wang, Matthew J Leonardi, Yan Huang, Zhiyun Lu, Tobin J Marks, Antonio Facchetti Nitroacetylacetone as a Cofuel for the Combustion Synthesis of High-Performance Indium–Gallium–Zinc Oxide Transistors Chemistry of Materials 2018, 30: 3323-3329.

  • 22. Oluwaseyi Balogun, Baojie Lu, Binghao Wang, Antonio F Facchetti, Tobin Jay Marks Cross-Plane Thermal Conductivity Measurements in Self-Assembled Nanodielectric Heterostructures 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO).

  • 21. Binghao Wang, Gabriele Di Carlo, Riccardo Turrisi, Li Zeng, Katie Stallings, Wei Huang, Michael J Bedzyk, Luca Beverina, Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Dipole Moment Inversion Effects in Self-Assembled Nanodielectrics for Organic Thin Film Transistors. Chemistry of Materials 2017, 23, 9974–9980.

  • 20. Gang Wang, Wei Huang, Nicholas D Eastham, Simone Fabiano, Eric F Manley, Li Zeng, Binghao Wang, Xinan Zhang, Zhihua Chen, Ran Li, Robert PH Chang, Lin X Chen, Michael J Bedzyk, Ferdinand S Melkonyan, Antonio Facchetti,* Tobin J Marks* Aggregation control in natural brush-printed conjugated polymer films and implications for enhancing charge transport Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2017, 114: E10066.

  • 19. Wei Huang, Xinming Zhuang, Ferdinand S Melkonyan, Binghao Wang, Li Zeng, Gang Wang, Shijiao Han, Michael J Bedzyk, Junsheng Yu,* Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* UV-Ozone Interfacial Modification in Organic Transistors for High-Sensitivity NO2 Detection. Advanced Materials 2017, 29: 1701706. (Frontispiece)

  • 18. Chan Myae Myae Soe, Constantinos C Stoumpos, Mikaël Kepenekian, Boubacar Traoré, Hsinhan Tsai, Wanyi Nie, Binghao Wang, Claudine Katan, Ram Seshadri, Aditya D Mohite, Jacky Even, Tobin J Marks, Mercouri G Kanatzidis* New Type of 2D Perovskites with Alternating Cations in the Interlayer Space, (C(NH2)3)(CH3NH3)nPbnI3n+1: Structure, Properties, and Photovoltaic Performance Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139: 16297–16309.

  • 17. Titel Jurca, Michael J Moody, Alex Henning, Jonathan D Emery, Binghao Wang, Jeffrey M Tan, Tracy L Lohr, Lincoln J Lauhon,* Tobin J Marks* Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition of MoS2 Films Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017, 56: 4991–4995.

  • 16. Jiazhen Chen, Yanshan Gao, Binghao Wang, Tracy L Lohr, Tobin J Marks Scandium-Catalyzed Self-Assisted Polar Co-monomer Enchainment in Ethylene Polymerization. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017, 56: 15964-15968.

  • 15. HsuehChung Liao, Peijun Guo, ChePu Hsu, Ma Lin, Binghao Wang, Li Zeng, Wei Huang, Chan Myae Myae Soe, WeiFang Su, Michael J Bedzyk, Michael R Wasielewski, Antonio Facchetti, Robert PH Chang,* Mercouri G Kanatzidis,* Tobin J Marks* Enhanced Efficiency of Hot-Cast Large-Area Planar Perovskite Solar Cells/Modules Having Controlled Chloride Incorporation Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 7: 1601660.

  • 14. Binghao Wang, Li Zeng, Wei Huang, Ferdinand S Melkonyan, William C Sheets, Lifeng Chi, Michael J Bedzyk, Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Carbohydrate-Assisted Combustion Synthesis to Realize High-Performance Oxide Transistors. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138, 7067–7074.

  • 13. Binghao Wang, Xinge Yu, Peijun Guo, Wei Huang, Li Zeng, Nanjia Zhou, Lifeng Chi, Michael J. Bedzyk,* Robert P. H. Chang,* Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti*. Solution-Processed All-Oxide Transparent High-Performance Transistors Fabricated by Spray-Combustion Synthesis. Advanced Electronic Materials 2016, 2: 1500427. (Highly Cited Paper)

  • 12. Binghao Wang, Jinqiang Ding, Tao Zhu, Wei Huang, Zequn Cui, Jianmei Chen, Lizhen Huang,* Lifeng Chi,* Fast Patterning of Oriented Organic Micro-Stripes for Field-Effect Ammonia Gas Sensors. Nanoscale 2016, 8: 3954–3961.

  • 11. HsuehChung Liao, Teck Lip Dexter Tam, Peijun Guo, Yilei Wu, Eric F Manley, Wei Huang, Nanjia Zhou, Chan Myae Myae Soe, Binghao Wang, Michael R Wasielewski,* Lin X Chen,* Mercouri G Kanatzidis,* Antonio Facchetti,* Robert PH Chang,* Tobin J Marks* Dopant-Free Hole Transporting Polymers for High Efficiency, Environmentally Stable Perovskite Solar Cells Advanced Energy Materials 2016, 6: 1600502.

  • 10. Wei Huang, Li Zeng, Xinge Yu, Peijun Guo, Binghao Wang, Qing Ma, Robert PH Chang, Junsheng Yu,* Michael J Bedzyk,* Tobin J Marks,* Antonio Facchetti* Metal Oxide Transistors via Polyethylenimine Doping of the Channel Layer: Interplay of Doping, Microstructure, and Charge Transport Advanced Functional Materials 2016, 26: 6179–6187. (Back Cover)

  • 9. Tao Zhu, Chengliang Xiao, Binghao Wang, Xiaorong Hu, Zi Wang, Jian Fan, Lizhen Huang,* Donghang Yan, Lifeng Chi* Growth of Highly Oriented Ultrathin Crystalline Organic Microstripes: Effect of Alkyl Chain Length Langmuir 2016, 32: 9109–9117.

  • 8. Binghao Wang, Limei Liu, Guozheng Liang,* Li Yuan, Aijuan Gu* Boost Up Dielectric Constant and Push Down Dielectric Loss of Carbon Nanotube/Cyanate Ester Composites via Gradient and Layered Structure Design. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3: 23162–23169. (Hot Paper)

  • 7. Binghao Wang, Limei Liu, Lizhen Huang, Lifeng Chi, Guozheng Liang,* Li Yuan, Aijuan Gu * Fabrication and Origin of High-k Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy Composites with Low Dielectric Loss by Layer-by-Layer Casting Technique. Carbon 2015, 85: 28–37.

  • 6. Binghao Wang, Tao Zhu, Lizhen Huang, Teck Lip Dexter Tam, Zequn Cui, Jinqiang Ding, Lizhen Huang, Lifeng Chi,* Addressable Growth of Oriented Organic Semiconductor Ultra-Thin Films on Hydrophobic Surface by Direct Dip-Coating. Organic Electronics 2015, 91: 8–15.

  • 5. Binghao Wang, Yicheng Jiao, Guozheng Liang,* Aijuan Gu,* Li Yuan Dielectric Properties and Mechanism of Composites by Superposing Expanded Graphite/Cyanate Ester Layer with Carbon Nanotube/Cyanate Ester Layer. Composites Science and Technology 2014, 91: 8–15.

  • 4. Limei Liu, Binghao Wang, Tong-chun Bai, Bin Dong Thermal Behavior and Properties of Chitosan Fibers Enhanced Polysaccharide Hydrogels Thermochimica Acta 2014, 583: 8–14.

  • 3. Binghao Wang, Guozheng Liang,* Yicheng Jiao, Aijuan Gu,* Limei Liu, Li Yuan, Wei Zhang Two-layer Materials of Polyethylene and A Carbon Nanotube/Cyanate Ester Composite with High Dielectric Constant and Extremely Low Dielectric Loss. Carbon 2013, 54: 224–233.

  • 2. Binghao Wang, Dake Qin, Guozheng Liang,* Aijuan Gu,* Limei Liu, Li Yuan High-k Materials with Low Dielectric Loss Based on Two Superposed Gradient Carbon Nanotube/Cyanate Ester Composites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013, 117: 15487–15495.

  • 1. Limei Liu, Binghao Wang, Yuan Gao, Tong-chun Bai Chitosan Fibers Enhanced Gellan Gum Hydrogels with Superior Mechanical Properties and Water-Holding Capacity Carbohydrate Polymers 2013, 97: 152–158.


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WANG Kesheng(王柯胜),Undergraduate—— Lund University, Master

WU Wanguo(吴万国),Undergraduate——University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Master

TANG Yao(汤瑶),Master——Suzhou

HAO Qingwen(郝庆文),Master——Nanjing